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Behind the Scenes: Spotlight on Andie Kramer

Andie S. Kramer is an attorney and founder of ASKramer Law, and is a member of our GEM (Giving Every Month) circle.

Can you tell me a little about yourself and your background?

I’m an attorney and have been for a really long time. After many years in “Big Law,” I started my own firm in January of this year. I am actively involved in charitable things: I have been the board chair of the Women’s Treatment Center, which provided rehab and detox services for women in Chicago. TWTC now works with the City of Chicago to provide needed support for unhoused residents. One of the issues I care the most about is reproductive rights. It all comes back to women’s autonomy and their ability to make decisions about their healthcare.

Why is abortion access important to you?

For me, abortion access is something everyone needs to be concerned about. Abortion is all about health care, and all women should have access to the health care they desire for themselves. Efforts in our county are making it harder and harder for women to obtain abortions by making it illegal and by trying to make it so women can’t cross state lines for such services. These laws are not going to stop abortion; they just cost women their lives and autonomy. The people who try the hardest to keep women from being able to choose when to have a family have absolutely no interest in protecting or helping children. It is all about wanting to prevent women from having control over their bodies, their health care, and their families. Provide’s activities are a perfect foil to that, to try to make access better and prevent restrictions wherever possible.

Why do you support Provide?

I have always been concerned about women and children, and I think that what Provide does is so critically important in protecting women and children. I am usually a behind-the-scenes kind of person, so I became a monthly donor a number of years ago, and I encourage others to support Provide when they can. Of all the things I do to support gender equity, Provide is the only organization that I support with a monthly gift. I feel so strongly about abortion access that I don’t want to have to keep thinking about my support. Provide is a key part of my monthly budget, and I am pleased to be on the team.


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