What do people who use drugs and people seeking abortion have in common? Dealing with misinformation, barriers to care, provider bias, and stigma.
Do you work with people who can get pregnant, who use drugs, and/or are living with HIV/Hep C? If so, please join us for a free virtual training that explores the intersections between harm reduction and abortion access, and how you can support people in making the pregnancy decisions that are best for them. In this 4-hour interactive training, you’ll learn:
- Your state’s legal landscape around abortion, substance use, and harm reduction;
- How to recognize stigma against people who use drugs and people seeking abortion;
- How to combat stigma through promoting client autonomy and helping them make the decisions that are best for them; and
- How to navigate common barriers to care for people who use drugs and people seeking abortion.
Training Information
- Target Audience: This training is for healthcare and social service providers who work directly with people who can become pregnant, who use drugs, and/or are living with HIV/Hep C, particularly those who live and work in Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Tennessee, and West Virginia.
- Training Format: Each training is four hours long and entirely free and virtual. To provide an interactive experience, each training is capped at a max number of 50 participants.
- CEUs: This training has been approved for 4 continuing education credits through the California Board of Registered Nursing.
- Incentive: Training attendees who complete a post survey will be eligible for a $25 gift card.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Differentiate between elements of provider-patient interactions that respect clients’ privacy and autonomy and ones that don’t.
- State and examine your own values related to harm reduction, drug use, abortion, and bodily autonomy.
- Explain your professional responsibility to honor clients’ decisions and privacy.
- Explain how a provider’s feelings, attitudes, biases, and values might impact the quality of the care they provide.
- Describe at least three barriers that may prevent people who use drugs from accessing reproductive care, including abortion.
- Demonstrate an understanding of harm reduction principles and quality referrals.
- Name at least two actions you can take in your role to support reproductive justice and harm reduction at your organization.