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Commitment to the Practice Guide for All-Options Pregnancy Counseling

Provide recommends that all pregnant patients be offered information on all pregnancy options, including continuing the pregnancy to parenthood or adoption, or ending the pregnancy with medication or procedural abortion.

The Practice Guide for All Options Pregnancy Counseling was developed in 2020 when Provide convened a panel of experts to design a pregnancy counseling guide that centered pregnant people, promoted bodily autonomy, included abortion, and supported providers in having these conversations with their clients or patients. Using the recommended methods to counsel patients on all pregnancy options meets patient needs and leads to higher satisfaction regardless of their decision.

We know that sometimes, making a concrete commitment to using a tool or resource can help us better integrate it into our practice. With that in mind, we invite you to mark your commitment to using the Practice Guide in your own work. If you commit to using this tool to improve your ability to support pregnant people, please fill out the form below. We will NOT email you unless you opt-in to receiving emails.

Additional Tools and Resources from Provide