supporting people seeking abortion: education & referrals for unintended pregnancy


We’ve adapted our in-person Abortion Referrals Training to a 3-hour virtual format! This interactive training will help workplaces become a more supportive and respectful environment for all staff and clients by identifying specific tools for combatting abortion-related stigma. Our training team offers ongoing follow-up support to integrate this training into the continuum of care for patients and clients.


  1. Why Refer: Personal & Professional Norms
  2. How to Refer: Navigating Barriers that Clients Face
  3. Special Topics in Reproductive Health Referral-Making
  4. Pregnancy Options Counseling: Centering Empathy and Preparing to A.C.T.
  5. Respect and Continuity of Care: Tools & Resources for Combatting Stigma

Target Audience

Anyone who works directly with clients and patients including, but not limited to:

  • Nurses
  • Social workers
  • Case workers
  • Advocates
  • Peer support specialists
  • Hotline volunteers
  • Behavioral health professionals
  • People who work in the following systems of care: domestic violence and sexual assault support services, addiction treatment, HIV service organizations, public health, family planning, and primary care

Available Continuing Education Units

“The training was very interactive, and had a wealth of information that was specific to my area.”

Social Worker, Louisiana

“I think the training really opened eyes for a lot of staff, and they walked away with a different mindset. I know it had a huge impact on several of the staff members here.”

Substance Use Director, Oklahoma