Frequently Asked Questions about our trainings

Provide offers FREE professional development training (including CEUs, resources, and tools) for health and social service providers on giving accurate, informed, and non-judgmental referrals for unintended pregnancy and abortion care. Our approach is efficient and flexible, with on-site and virtual training options, as well as ongoing technical assistance, to ensure a long-lasting partnership that supports quality, comprehensive care.

Health and social service providers (physicians, nurses, counselors, advocates, case managers, social workers) are critical links to helping people obtain quality, compassionate care for a range of health care needs, including reproductive healthcare. To make effective referrals for various kinds of client and patient needs, you must manage a considerable amount of knowledge and skill. Our trainings will give you the tools necessary to better and more quickly navigate conversations about unintended pregnancy, resulting in the provision of higher quality client-centered care.

Our training model rests on the knowledge that it takes a team of dedicated, informed professionals to care for clients and patients. Provide works closely with workplaces to customize our training to your needs. Our approach is efficient and flexible, with on-site and virtual training options, as well as ongoing technical assistance support. Trainings are appropriate for clinicians, health administrators (management and non-management), counselors, case workers, social workers, educators and advocates, frontline staff, and others who work with people vulnerable to mistreatment and misinformation.

All trainings are FREE, and we don’t charge fees for technical assistance or CEUs.

Yes. Provide trainings have been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors, National Association of Social Workers, and California Board of Registered Nurses.

On-site Training

Can be adapted and offered as a 3-, 4- or 5-hour workshop.


  1. Why Refer: Examining Personal & Professional Norms
  2. How to Refer: Barriers People Face & How to Make a Thorough Referral
  3. What: Special Topics in Reproductive Health Referral-Making
  4. Pregnancy Options Counseling: Preparing to Be a Reflective Resource
  5. Tools for Combatting Stigma: Ensuring That Sites Have What They Need


Virtual Training

Join us for one — or all — of our six new virtual trainings, starting June 2020.


  1. Making Quality Referrals for Abortion Care   
  2. What’s Stigma Got to Do with It?
  3. Pregnancy Options Counseling: Professional Ethics and Patient Autonomy
  4. Guiding Pregnant Clients Where to Go with STAR
  5. Supervising Staff that Make Referrals? What You Should Know About Policies and Protocols
  6. Meet the Providers

We offer in-person Abortion Referrals Trainings in states where abortion remains legal, with a particular emphasis on regions where we expect a high flow of abortion seekers from restricted-access states. We also offer virtual trainings nationwide to anyone — all you need is access to a laptop or computer with internet connection.

No. We are a national nonprofit health organization. We’re invested in increasing access to care, reducing health inequities, and combating stigma and barriers in health care delivery. We don’t participate in political advocacy of any kind.

For on-site trainings: We’ll bring a laptop, projector (if needed), and power strip. All your site needs is an extension cord and electrical outlets.
For virtual trainings: All you need is access to a laptop or computer with internet connection.

Submit a Referrals Training Quiz, and one of our team members will follow up with you within three business days.